- Claim an ordered place in the queue:
job-queue generate-id
. - Join the
's queue in that place, and pause to wait for the job's turn:job-queue push <scope> <generated id>
. - Do some work.
- End the job you started:
job-queue pop <scope> <generated id>
These should be done in immediate succession, like so:
id=$(job-queue generate-id)
job-queue push my-scope $id
# do work here
job-queue pop my-scope $id
Time constraint
If a started (push
ed) job does not complete (pop
seconds (docs: Options from its claiming a place in the queue (generate-id
), it is considered to have timed out. I don't remember what led me to time based on when generate-id
is run rather than when push
is run, but that's how it is. Not going to break things now! If you don't delay between generate-id
and push
, it shouldn't make a difference.
job-queue push
has two optional parameters: job-queue push <scope> <generated id> <description> <new support ticket url>
. If a job times out, a message is logged to the terminal with information which may help in debugging.
Run job-queue help
for documentation; if the package is installed with Homebrew, man job-queue
is also available.
Try it out
Open two terminals.
In the first, type but do not accept
shellid=$(job-queue generate-id); job-queue push testing $id; sleep 10; job-queue pop testing $id; echo first job done at $(date)
In the second, type but do not accept
shellid=$(job-queue generate-id); job-queue push testing $id; job-queue pop testing $id; echo second job done at $(date)
Accept the first terminal's command, and immediately accept the second terminal's command. See that the second terminal's command is blocked (waits for) the first terminal's.